Valley Creek works to understand and appreciate individual differences, and we strive to accommodate those with special needs so that we can grow together in Christ as one church body. We are proud to offer preferred Sunday parking for special needs.

If you would like to learn more about Special Needs Ministry, please contact the main church office.

4EC: For Every Child

4EC is a ministry created for children with special needs. We provide a space where children can connect to God and learn about Him without the overstimulation of large-group worship.

4EC is currently in need of volunteers. If you have a passion for special needs ministry, we would love to hear from you. Contact ministry leader Savannah Boone at

Parent Support Group

Being a parent to children with special needs has unique challenges. Several families have joined together at Valley Creek to provide a special needs parent support group, where you can meet with other parents, share struggles and wins, and ultimately fellowship with other believers in open conversation and prayer.